Apple’s iOS7 is Delayed, Could Affect Future iPhones

iOS7, the latest operating system in development at Apple is reportedly in trouble, with delays that could even affect the releases of future iPhones.

Everyone is consistently clamouring for the latest operating system in their phones. It’s never good enough to be carrying around a miniature, handheld personal computer, with unrivalled computing power, unless it’s the very latest and the very best. In part, this is why smartphones do so well, it’s the continous incremental improvements that hardly change the market, yet change everything for consumers. And, it’s this game, of mobile operating system tinkering, that Apple knows well.

The popular tech company is preparing for another round of the operating system game, which is set to begin over Summer, as the company are reportedly planning to release the iPhone 5S. In fact, Apple are even looking to play the long game with this one, with rumours of an iPhone 6 running rampant. However, these updated gadgets need a brand spanking new iOS and that’s exactly what Apple’s working on with ‘iOS7’.

Likely to be implemented in both the iPhone 5S and the rumoured iPhone 6, (albeit a slightly updated iOS7 will likely call that gadget home), iOS7 is said to include a significant user interface overhaul that could completely change the look of Apple’s iOS on phones as we know it.

Also said to be included in iOS7 are more examples of a property called ’skeuomorphism’, which means that a page of an app or something on screen, mimics that of a real world natural property. For example, when the page you’re reading online replicates that of the pages of a book, or how the notes app in iOS seem to look like the pages of a notepad.

While little else is known about iOS7 we do know that it has been delayed. Some iOS engineers are said to be carrying it around on their own iPhones, which suggests plenty of testing opportunities for employees, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll be seeing the iOS7 soon.

This delay is down to Apple’s Vice President of Industrial Design, Jony Ive, who apparently has a strong distaste for the aforementioned ‘skeuomprphism’ and has pulled in some of the Mac engineers who were working on the Mac OS X 10.9 to change it, leaving him able to make the vital changes yet putting its release behind, a delay that could see its availability for the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 pushed back even further.

What other features iOS7 has in store have yet to be revealed but we’ll keep you posted when we know more.

Source : Daring Fireball

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