Beam Touch iPad Projector: Power at Your Fingertips

What’s better than viewing photos from your iPad? It’s making them larger than life! Beam, Inc. and HoloCube of Belgium present this cool new application that offers power at your fingertips.

The Beam iPad Projector application links up with a HoloCube projector, allowing the user to control the large screen display just by pointing and tapping on the iPad. Think of it as a remote control for your slideshows, but only better. Simply tap on any of the photos from your collection, and the projector displays them instantly. To change the view, just tap on another picture.

This new product was first launched in March 2011. HoloCube, together with Beam, Inc., has been recognized in Belgium and in the digital industry for their holographic projectors, allowing a more realistic viewing experience. The Beam iPad Projector is only one of their many innovative new ideas.

The Beam Touch application is said to work with most projectors under the HoloCube platform. This offers the convenience of remotely navigating through your presentations with the tap of a finger. It really is a progressive step towards the future of digital media in news, business, education, advertising, and more.

Speaking of advertising, what is the application of this development from Beam? Beam, Inc. uses their technology to project images on buildings and hotels across Belgium for advertising on a massive scale. Talk about eye-popping optics!


Over the years, Beam has successfully launched various product campaigns for companies such as H&M, Bridgestone, Pepsi, Nokia, Apple, and more. It isn’t a surprise that these giants will choose a brilliant medium to showcase their products and to capture their market.

Who else has taken this technology to greater heights? Take a look at other smart projector innovations such as this 360 degree fog display, or this multi-touch Bend Desk.

Thanks to Manu for the tip!