Fake Steve Jobs Rest In Peace

Is the Fake Steve Jobs (FSJ) really settling and retiring? Will he sign off and forget his place as the other side of Apple’s powerful and charismatic leader?

FSJ has recently mentioned possibly discontinuing the humorous and informative posts that are viewed daily on his Blog.

For a long time reader, this came as a shock. Immediately after, denial has crept in. I must admit that my optimism hopes this is another of the rants and charades that the FSJ has revealed so many times. Perhaps he will continue his stylish writing and make us laugh again and again.

The Fake Steve Jobs is an ongoing Blog and parody about the innovative and charismatic yet “complicated” Steve Jobs. It provides daily posts dealing with current Industry news written in a hilarious and extremely entertaining manner. FSJ has continually provided independent and completely purging monologue. It also grants different “fake” excerpts of conversations with other known business leaders and the like. Although written and known as a satiric Blog, the FSJ informs the readers with current events and amazing points of view, which could also be taken as bottom line and candid summaries. More than once I have read a story on the Blog and after further research realized the true nature of the FSJ post and its honesty.

Fake Steve states that his departure is possible due to a beneficial resolution similar to the current ThinkSecret settlement. Whether the confidential resolution is advantageous to the FSJ true personality Daniel Lyons, we may never know. I am certain though that I won’t be the only one who will miss this Blog and its nature.

Steve Jobs Tombstone