Make Your Own International Clock

Have you ever had problems with different countries’ time differences? Do you ever contact friends, business associates, or family from abroad? Would you like to know the correct time easily and without the need for search or calculations? This Do It Yourself shows you how to make a clock that will give you the different time zones.

When contacting other countries, we usually figure out the time abroad by a simple search, calculation or question to a nearby individual. Based on our immediate need, the previous ways either take long to provide a viable answer, or we end up with an error. The latter usually happens if I try and ask my Dad about the time, for after so many years of traveling and living in different countries, he still cannot seem to get it right.

This short video below presents an amazingly simple DIY project to transform a regular wall clock to an International one. It is a very cool way to switch between the countries and always be aware of the correct time. While the video is shown at a quicker speed, it still illustrates how easily you can make one for yourself.

Do you see yourself in a need of a clock such as this, or do you have a better system for keeping up with time differences?

Via: Newlaunches