How To Build a Robot from Styrofoam

Building robots may have become a new favorite pastime; many are designing and creating their own innovative way to display their love for these new friends. You could build a robot to take out its robot rage on other fighting rivals, a giant robot to market your soft drink, learn how to make robots for competitive fighting or perhaps simply create a beautiful art sculpture from Styrofoam.

Kevin Kelly and his son have created a beautiful full sized robot sculpture made of a five year kept supply of Styrofoam. It is amazing to see the great detail carved in all the pieces and its size compared to the kid.

It is definitely a beautiful project, but be warned…many months were spent creating this huge robot; the design, gathering of sufficient Styrofoam (Kevin had a supply stashed away) and patience to let the glue dry could take their toll. Still, the outcome is just great.

My hat’s off for the great robot project.