Coffee Making Manga Robot No Head Turner!

manga robot coffee machine

While absolute sentience is perhaps half a decade away, servility in humanoid robots isn’t a first, and no disrespect meant to the creator of this coffee making Manga robot, but riding on folklore may not be enough to transform a ‘been there, seen that’ creation into a head turner. Clockwork, the nicknamed developer of this robot, has scaled down the Kondo KHR-2HV humanoid to build this mean-looking Manga spawn. The humanoid is run by 20 digital KRS-788HV servos along with a GWS-PICO-STD motor. The heart of the robot is a PCB tucked inside its head.

A special mention about the construction has to be made, though. The robot does look compact and for its utility, the concept isn’t a bad idea at all. For humanoid fans, this may perhaps not be the best source of delight. However, Japanese fans of Manga Gadgets will not be disappointed. Every new adaptation of their favorite comic character will certainly add to the popularity, isn’t it?

Via: Geekalerts