The Life-Size Power Loader Costume Is Worth A Look!

Man seems to have no end with their imagination and creativity, and the list of their creations is coming out like an endless queue, in which the Life-Size Power Costume too is a name that has recently got added.

Life-Size Power Loader Costume

By wearing this life-size power loader, a man can feel like being a giant figure, and act and work much like a huge robot or the Alien queen. Yes, there were inspirations, and the maker followed some other models before reaching the final output; but at the end of the day, it is he who has thought about coming out with this final piece. The maker, Alex, says that the inspiration of the Life-Size Power Costume from pele!’s Power Loader costume, which is being made mainly as a Halloween costume. Moreover, there are alien movies as well that Alex watched in his time. The best part of this work is that unbelievably, the whole process of designing and making the power loader costume took quite a short time. The maker has even shared all the processes and steps that he underwent for the making of this object. Before the Life-Size Power Loader, the maker has also made the statue of the Alien Queen, and that have inspired him a lot to finally go for this power loader. So, the benefit of doing so was that he did not have to spend money on certain materials that he already had after making the statue of Alien Queen but also, the easy availability of the things helped him in finishing his work at a very short span of time. Some of those materials include spray paint, hot glue, and foam boards. A little bit of research on the internet, and the YouTube clips on the power loaders that have already been made helped him a lot in making a sketch of the power loader that he should go for. He wanted to keep it a bit different, and he found that almost all power loaders made before are a bit scaled down. The foot stilts too are not as tall as his one. His attempt was to keep it as alike as the original one, and to an extent he has done really well. Right from the use of the same color, shape, and structure, almost everything of this power loader are accurate. That is not all, the new Life-Size Power Loader can move its arms, can walk, and is capable of retaining its balance as well, and for more stable joints, he even used pumping hydraulic cylinders. For more cool costumes follow the following links:

Via: Instructables