12 Best Coffee Art Portraits

Coffee wasn’t a very complicated thing back in the day – black, strong, sugar or no. That was it. Now, it’s all about flavors, foam, no foam and what not. To make things even better/worse, it’s become a spawning ground for inspiring artists who also moonlight as baristas.

The best of ’em, as far as we know of, works for The Smile, a café on Bond Street in Manhattan, NY. Mike Breach puts his most recent works of art on instagramshowing us that making coffee for people isn’t just a boring job, but also a way to vent your artistic ambitions and talent.

Spock (Star Trek)


Edward Scissorhand

Britney Spears

Salvador Dali

William Shakespeare

Flava Flav (William Jonathan Drayton)

A Velatteraptor

Keith Haring

Bob Marley

Bob Dylan

 Amelie (Audrey Tautou)

For more coffee related art you should absolutely love, take a look at this Amazing Mona Lisa Painting Made with 3604 Cups of Coffee.