Unleash More Power with Darth Vader USB Hub

Are you a Star Wars fan and often wish you were a geek with evil power of Darth Vader to tackle evil forces controlling your life? Well, get iconic evil Darth Vader in the form of Darth Vader USB Hub and get inspired by the evil and dark side of life.

Darth Vader USB Hub with four USB ports is a small Darth Vader complete with black helmet, red flashing eyes, swiveling neck and all sonic powers . It has four action modes and one needs just to press a button under Vader’s head to see him in action. The sound of Darth Vader’s breathing will certainly keep boss away from your desk. One can also add more evil power with Darth Vader Alarm Clock and Darth Vader Wall Clock.

Often geeky working desks do need USB Hubs for plugging in all geeky gadgets and can do well with some evil power to ward off prying eyes. Darth Vader USB Hub will be a cool addition to the office or home working desk. One can just put Darth Vader in action mode during work and breaks to show off the geeky power to the world. Just order one
Darth Vader Hub right away for $24 and watch him in action.