GoPlanit is a Social Travel Planning Tool

Ever tried planning a trip to any of the major attractions around the world only to find that they close on seemingly random days, or may even require reservations weeks in advance. GoPlanit is a service for travelers that aims to simplify this process by generating your schedule for you.

Goplanit has a massive database of attractions that includes their operating hours as well as an estimate for how much time each will consume. The automatic planning feature which is similar to the autofill feature in Apple’s iTunes, is only available in a handful of cities. You just need to enter a destination or choose among the most popular ones, select the dates you are planning your trip on and hit “create an Itinerary” to see the calendar where you can add the dates of your trip. Clicking on any date will pop up a menu showing the most popular places to visit for the selected destination.

The Recommendation engine of GoPlanit is based on rated items from other GoPlanit users and reviews from places like CitySearch, Yelp and local newspapers. You can tweak a bunch of sliders such as how much “intensity” you want or how much you’re willing to spend, and it will adjust accordingly.

The GoPlanit Travel Planning tool also has an iPhone application that is used to get mobile access to the itineraries with the phone numbers and addresses provided. In addition, it takes into account your own recommendations from past trips and puts them toward future ones to grant a more targeted location to travel to.

GoPlanit via TechCrunch