Injured Angry Birds

If you play Angry Birds, you may wonder what happens to those birds after they crash into the pigs. If these images are any indication, they apparently end up in the hospital.

These cool images come to us from from Rampaged Reality via DeviantArt user Scooterek. She’s created some paintings of the famous birds dealing with the aftermath of their mission to rescue their eggs from the mean green pigs by being launched in a slingshot.

The Red bird is seen here wearing a bandage on his head and using a crutch, which is a little odd since he doesn’t seem to have legs anyway.

The Big Bro has a tiny Band-Aid. The blue birds seem to have more serious injuries, which glass shards sticking out of their bodies.

The green angry bird’s long beak is bent and bandaged.

The yellow angry bird has a lump on its head and a thermometer in its mouth.

The white angry bird is hooked up to an IV drip.

The black bird is relatively unscathed, but angry, perhaps at all the injuries its siblings have received.

We all hope these birds get well soon and live to take out some pigs another day. It’s amazing how much of a cultural touchstone Angry Birds is. Like Tetris before it, it’s a video game that appeals very strongly to people who don’t normally play video games.

Don’t miss our list of awesome Facebook Timeline profile images, one of which includes Angry Birds. You might also enjoy an 8-bit take on the gaming phenomenon.