Protect your iPad with Bacon n’ Eggs with the iPad Bacon n’ Eggs Case

Are you on the look for cool, geeky cases for your iPad? Well, now there is a new way to protect your tablet computer and the answer lies in this amazing iPad Bacon n’ Eggs Case.

This iPad case by Antjes has been designed to thrill foodies and geeks with its brilliant breakfast-like portrayal. The eggs and bacon look real with their irregularity and the illusion is just perfect!

The whole case is seamless and is felted in one piece. An awesome fact about this case is that the eggs are felted as a separate case, so now you don’t need to keep shoving your earphones into your pocket or even the iPhone case where they keep getting entangled; they’ll have their own special place on the underside of the eggs.

The mouth watering pieces of bacon have been attached to this marvelous case separately and have been designed to perfection.

This bacon and egg designed case can be made for gadgets other than the iPad also, so if you want this mouth-watering breakfast design to keep your mp3 players, cell phones and other suck gadgets away from scratches you can contact Antjes and have a custom made case for yourself.

This awesome Ipad Bacon n’ Egg Case is available on Etsy for $59 USD and is definitely an attention grasper as well as a great conversation starter. People won’t be able to get their eyes off this incredible design! Get it now!

Also check out some more cool ipad accessories like out iPad Cardboard Arcade Cabinet.