iPhone iOS 4 Jailbreak for iPhone 3G and iPod 2G using RedsnOw 0.9.5

If you are waiting for the new iOS 4 download to be available later today, you should also be pretty excited that a Jailbreak is already available. The iPhone DevTeam has released a new iOS 4 Jailbreak for the iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G. Along with the iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Jailbreak, it joins as one of the quickest Jailbreaks ever. There isn’t an actual iPhone 4 Jailbreak available yet, for it is just being officially released on June 24th, 2010.

Update (November 29, 2010): How to Jailbreak and Unlock iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G with Ultrasn0w 1.2, PwnageTool 4.1.3 and Redsn0w 0.9.6b5

Update (October 10, 2010): New Limera1n iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Released by GeoHot for iPhone 4, 3gs, iPod Touch and also iPad

Update (August 2, 2010): How to Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G with iOS 4 or 4.0.1 AND iPad on iOS 3.2.1 using JailbreakMe 2.0

Official Update (June 23, 2010): Official iOS 4 Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G from the iPhone Dev Team.

Update: iPhone 3GS iOS 4 Jailbreak.

Note: as always, we do not encourage anyone to Jailbreak their iPhone or iPod Touch unless they are well versed in the Jailbreaking arena. Also, we must note that Jailbreaking is done by your own choice and is your personal responsibility. Lastly, this newest Jailbreaking method is NOT a carrier unlock and unless you have a registered UDID with Apple, updating the OS will upgrade your baseband and lock your iPhone or iPod.

Additional Note: For further details, additional Jailbreaking info and more of the nitty gritty how to besides what is provided below, please check out the experts at RedmondPie with their details tutorials on all current Jailbreaking.

The new Jailbreak uses the newly released Redsnow 0.9.5 which was just released to both Windows and Mac. It is a beta version and it is not yet certain if ‘newer’ updates will be made available or if so…when.

To Jailbreak the iOS 4 for iPhone 3G with Redsnow 0.9.5, follow the following steps [Make sure to read each step completely, so you are fully aware of what is required]

1. Go and Download iPhone OS 4 Beta for the iPhone 3G here.

2. Make sure to update the latest firmware file: iPhone1,2_4.0_8A230m_Restore.ipsw

3. Download RedsnOw 0.9.5 Here or here.

4. Begin RedsnOw 0.9.5 and direct it the iOS 4 Beta firmware.

5. “Install Cydia” and continue with “Next”.

6. Make sure your iPhone 3G or iPod Touch 2G is off AND plugged into your computer PRIOR to clicking “Next”.

7. Connect in recovery mode.

You will be prompted to Hold BOTH the Power AND Home buttons at the same time. After a few additional seconds, maintain holding the home button while releasing the Power button and the installation will begin.

8: RedsnOw should now have started the installation and Restart once finished…with the new iOS 4 ready.

To enable Multitasking and Wallpapers, check out RedmondPie for all the details.

We believe that iPhone Jailbreakers, users and readers are more aware of intricate details, ideas and explanation, so we urge you to comment and share your thoughts on the iOS 4 Jailbreaking.