7 Mad Men Characters as Muppets

In the rush of excitement coming from the return of Mad Men to the TV screens on AMC, the folks at Flavorwire decided that mashing up the 7 main characters on the show with some of the most popular hand-operated puppets, or actually Muppets, of all-time, is a pretty good idea.

Looking over the choices and links they’ve made between the selected Muppets and the folks from Madison Avenue, it’s safe to say they made a pretty good choice.

Don Draper as Kermit the Frog

Joan Holloway as Miss Piggy

Pete Campbell as Elmo

Megan Draper as Ernie

Roger Sterling as Statler

Peggy Olson as Janice

Betty Francis as the Cookie Monster

As you all must know by now, the Muppets are at their best when mashed up with other things, such as the X-Men, Indiana Jones, the Hobbit and Star Wars.