Mona Lisa’s Chinese Replica Is The Most Expensive Ever!

The famous work of art by Leonardo da Vinci is considered as priceless. However, probably when it comes to replicas it should be much easier to measure the value, it’s just a copy after all. Surprisingly, its newest replica might be considered as priceless, too.

To be honest, Mona Lisa was not the prettiest girl ever if you consider contemporary patterns of beauty, the painting itself is rather diminutive in size and modest. Some even say the model behind Mona Lisa’s smile was actually a boy. Nonetheless, da Vinci’s painting remains as arguably the most acclaimed and intriguing in the art’s history.

It may be a bit odd that this awesome replica showed up in the People’s Republic of China, but Chinese oddities should not surprise you any more. An anonymous Chinese jewelry collector spent 30 years on collecting all the necessary stones which were supposed to be arranged into Mona Lisa’s replica. Then it took him another five years to complete this highly unique work of art, which one can describe as a combination of painting, jewelry and a bas-relief.

Many artists tried to replicate da Vinci’s masterpiece. Maurice “Toastman” Bennet, for instance, revealed his version of Mona Lisa made of 6000 toast slices last summer. Another good example of Mona Lisa’s inspiration is a gigantic and absolutely awesome replica made with around 3000 coffee cups, each of them full of liquid in different color. You can check out more examples in 18 Greatest Mona Lisa Painting Remakes.

The jewelry replica is currently being exhibited in one of the shopping malls in Shenyang City, located in the North part of China. However, I am pretty sure that in spite of the place of exhibition, the precious replica is not for sale at the moment.

Interested in geeky art pieces? Check out the awesome Steve Jobs painting or Mona Lisa painting in LEGO.

Via: Born Rich