Verizon’s Motorola Bionic Gets a Hands-On at CES [CES 2011]

CES 2011 has unveiled a lot of amazing gadgets this week, none of which overshadow Motorola’s most recent addition to the Droid series, the Droid Bionic.

This behemoth of a phone is the first 4.3-inch smart phone to grace the market and injure the groins of Android enthusiasts. The phone has the first dual-core processor, with 1GHz of monstrous power in each of its cores, 512 MB of RAM, and a general opinion of blazing fast responsiveness in use. It’s also going to be launched with 4G speeds on Verizon’s brand new LTE network.

The Bionic is equipped with Android 2.2 Froyo, a front-facing VGA camera, as well as an 8-megapixel rear camera, and HDMI-output just like the EVO 4G. In addition, Verizon says the Bionic offers great support for multi-player gaming with live, P2P capabilities. It also includes a Mirror-Mode like your laptop, which allows you to stream content on the phone while plugged into your HD TV.

This is a great additive to the market for those on Verizon desperately awaiting the LTE speeds promised, and jealous of Sprint’s EVO (and a lot of us are). While the size of the Bionic is quite stark, I could see no problem reading Kindle books on this crisp, enormous screen or surfing the web for an extended period of time. We’re just a little hazy on how you carry it without damaging your jeans. The dual-core processor should also keep the pace of smart phone speed competition aiming for the sky.

No price has been set, but like everything at CES, it should be available this spring.

Via: Wired