New ‘I’m Getting Arrested’ App for Occupy Wall Street

A new Android app has just been released to help out the Occupy Wall Street Protesters called “I’m Getting Arrested”.

As silly as the main screen for the app looks, this litte program is no joke. According to our source, app designer Jason Van Arden decided he could make a contribution to the movement by designing an app to help the protesters.

The main function of the application is for the protester to be able to quickly alert friends, family members and lawyers when they discover that they are about to be arrested. App users will be able to program who the application contacts once you hit the equivalent of the panic button.

The application is designed to be as easy to use as possible. The user only has to enter in before hand who to contact, and what the text message will be. Then, with a single click, the user can fire off the chain of text messages, without having to worry about trying to contact anyone while handcuffed in the back of a police van. Unfortunately, if the person you are trying to inform isn’t able to receive text messages, either by having a home or office phone, you might be a little out of luck.

As well, how many of us are actually on a texting basis with our lawyers?

The app is currently only available for Android devices, but Van Arden is planning on releasing it over Apple iOS at some point in the near future.

Considering that the Occupy Wall Street protest as a whole is still going strong (and in numerous places around the globe), this application will most likely receive quite a bit of usage in the near future. In addition, a program like this could have other useful functions for emergency situations that do not actually involve the user being arrested.

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