Because You’ve Always Wanted to Lounge in an Oven

Many of the rooms in a house are associated with comfort, from the obvious choices of the bedroom and living room to others like the office and even the bathroom. However, the kitchen is always associated with standing. While you may cook comfort food in it, it’s not really a place where you can kick back and relax. Until now.

The owner of the WayOutHere shop on Etsy has made the kitchen a place to kick back by designing this awesome lounge chair created from an old oven. It was done as a project for his design school, a way to show how things that would otherwise be thrown away (like this old-school oven) can be reused, turned into something functional. This isn’t just a simple modification, either, as shown by the description on the page. The stove-top is removable and usable as an ottoman. The oven door, clearly, opens to create the main lounge seat. The bottom drawer usually used to store pans now can be pulled out to add stability to the seat. There’s even a side compartment for storage! And if that somehow weren’t enough, he decided to modify the oven clock into a battery-powered one, allowing it to work without the oven being plugged in.

Personally, I also like the choice he went with for the cushions. He describes it as “cinnamon swirl” which would fit with the baking theme, but I see it as a retro design which goes well with the age and style of the oven itself. Unfortunately, he’s already sold it off, but if it’s a design you like you could always save an old stove from crowding up a landfill and try your hand at the project yourself. If you find this interesting, you’ll probably also like this Fridge Couch or even this Morbidly Interesting Recycled Art.

Via: Inhabitat