Portal Comes To iPad!! … At Least, In Sticker Form

Sorry, guys, we didn’t mean the best-selling game by Valve Software, just a kickass tribute by a devoted fan and owner of an iPad. Get ready to be amazed, fans of clever designs, iPads, and gamers.

Justin had one of those ideas that makes you think “that’s so clever, why didn’t I come up with it myself?”, and had the goodwill to set up a small website to satisfy the demand that is surely going to arise once the Internet sees this.

Again, the creativity and humor behind this sticker is fantastic, and using the characteristic apple as part of the over-all design earns big props on the cleverness department. This is going to amuse each and every fan of the saga, both for presenting a style similar to that seen in posters throughout the game, and simply for showing love to one of the biggest names in the industry right now.

The sticker comes in two versions dubbed “the full monty” and “just the guy and the thing” for $15 and $10 dollars each, which is very reasonable being that this is just the product of only one guy’s work. The second version is very clean and sleek, very nice over-all, but “the full monty” even adds some perspective, and most important, a blue portal to go with the orange one, which is good, because we’d feel absolutely naked with just one of them. We’d be all day screaming “damn, where does that portal go to?”.

Also, in case you want to see more productions by fans of Portal, you can check the Portal Wedding and the Portal 2 Wheatley Puppet.