Geeky Rambler Twitter Sneakers Tweet Each Step One Takes!

True geeks who shun real world and social life to play games or indulge in geek ideas will find even virtual socializing through social networking sites very boring.  One such geek must have come up with this Rambler Tweeter Sneaker design which is one of the most cynical products ever; It enables wearer of the shoes to tweet every step he/she takes wearing them. This product says volumes about virtual social behavior of people who almost send out tweet about every breath they take.

Let us not ignore the geek design of this awesome product. Rambler shoes come with a sensor that senses one’s walk and tweets each step of wearer via Bluetooth to the cell phone and send out twitter update as ‘step’ or ‘tap’ and when one doesn’t walk it just tweets series of dots(as shown in the picture below).

This concept reminds one of the radio collar one puts on animals in the wild to track their every moment. So if one is indeed a social animal who would want the world to know when one walks, stops or dances then put on these Rambler shoes and let them ramble on the Twitter. And of course cynical geeks can let their shoes do all the tweeting when one walks around.

Rambler tweeting shoes reminds one of some other twitter friendly geek products such as Botanical Twitter Kit and Kickbee Baby Tweets.

via Gizmodo/Popkalab