Awesome $200 Small Houses Made out of Recycled Junk

If you haven’t been paying attention, we still live in interesting economic times. Derek Diedricksen has decided to make things a little less interesting by build little $200 houses out of junk.

Actually, this is a pretty cool idea, which comes to us from Oddity Central. Diedrickson, or “Deek,” builds tiny shelters out of whatever he can find, including washing machine parts, cast-off deck chairs, and other junk. The total cost of the materials is usually less than $200. Deek also maintains a blog called RelaxShacks. He’s also published a book: “Humble Homes, Simple Shacks, Cozy Cottages, Ramshackle Retreats, Funky Forts.”

This is one of his latest creations, meant as a sturdier alternative to tents at music festivals.

He builds his houses as spaces for him to get away from his basement offices and update his blog. Deek’s father was a shop teacher, so building things came naturally to him. The whole thing started when he received a book for his 10th birthday called “Tiny Houses,” which was about exactly that.

Here’s a video of him showing off one of his creations:

What’s really gratifying is that he not only attempts to build these small shelters, but actually give them a sense of style. A lot of “affordable housing” projects have strictly utilitarian architecture, seeming not to care about the people who live in them, but Deek’s creations give off a sense of warmth and humor. Check out the “smile” he built into one of his houses.

If you like this, you might also want to check out the Archipod Garden Office, or the Transport Perceptual Pod.