7 Breathaking Redesigned Movie Posters

In one of the best pop culture art books to hit the shelves recently, Matthew Chojnacki collected 200 movie posters, but not of official releases. In order to get into the book, the posters had to be something that wasn’t used in the official theatrical run of the film, and obviously, very special to look at.

Over 100 artists and designers took part of the process, ranging from fan art to magazine illustrations and promo pieces for theaters.

It took Chojnacki over a year combing through more than 10,000 pieces in order to find those that were ultimately featured in the book. According to him, thanks to the internet and particularly tools like Tumblr and DeviantArt it’s gotten easier for creators to get this kind of work in front of large groups of people.

Labyrinth by Joshua Gilbert

Iron Man by Jesse Philips

Bambi by Rowan Stocks-Moore

Bettlejuice by Anthony Petrie

Blade Runner by Kako and Carlos Bela

The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou by Joshua Budich

Robocop by Tim Doyle

For you that love alternative movie posters, check out these Miyazaki movie posters re-imagined, or check out these 22 amazing fan-made posters for movies.

Hat tip: Theverge