The Innovative Charging Soccer Ball Soccket

If you thought that Soccer is only about kicking the ball, think again. The sOccket is an innovative concept that merges your love for the game and your needs for electric power seamlessly.

When you play ball with sOccket, its inbuilt inductive coil mechanism generates energy and stores it, which can be used later. In prototyping stage, it was found that a mere football session of 15 minutes can offer LED light for 3 hours! So, after a playing session, the ball can be used to light up you home or charge the LED lamp to help your child study.

Such a concept of the energy generating soccer ball is more important for African countries where almost 95% of the population lives without any access to electricity, as per 2006 World Bank Millennium Goals Report. What’s more disturbing is the fact that burning kerosene indoors produces harmful fumes, the inhalation of which causes serious breathing problems that are more severe than smoking two packs of cigarettes every day. With ongoing beta tests throughout Africa during the summer 2010, we can hope to have the good news of the market launch of sOccket soon, which promises to reduce the power woes of many African homes.

If you want to know more about some other soccer related posts, take a look at the innovative Solar Powered Soccer Ball, the Soccer Fan Face iPhone App or the Klokicker: Soccer Urinal Sieve.

Via: sOccket