Star Wars Characters Computer Figures to Protect Geeks

For every one of you who loved watching Star Wars, here are three new Wobble Heads that are totally endearing, providing you a choice of Dark Side figures or the good Jedi characters.

If it is the dark side that you prefer, you get to choose from the fearsome cyborg commander of the Galactic empire, Darth Vader or the bounty hunter, Boba Fett hired by him.

For those of you who prefer to be on the side of the good, you can get a wobble head of the greatest Jedi of all times, Yoda.

These plastic Wobble heads are made to sit on your computer screen, overlooking you and your work and keeping them from the prying eyes of people around. Yoda looks serene and calm sitting cross legged and would definitely provide you help with all his wisdom, whereas both Boba Fett and Darth Vader both look relaxed and cool.

These cool plastic dolls are available for $9.99 each, and they make great stocking stuffers and Christmas gift ideas.