The Balloons Go In The Millenial Falcon – Star Wars/Up Mash Up

The greatest animated movie producers right now are definitely the Pixar guys, and it’s time we started showing some love.

We’re pretty sure this is how Han and Leia would end up acting if they manage to get old enough. Han, particularly, seems like he’s as soft as Carl, once he’s not trying to be a douche to look cool for the fans. On the other hand, Ellie is probably sweeter than Leia, but we’re pretty sure they can still have a moment, so in the end, this ends up looking realistic. How sweet!

We originally saw this creation by James Hance at GeeksAreSexy. For more Star Wars alternative art, check out Heroic Stormtroopers! The Marvel-Stormtroopers Mash-up and the Cute Star Wars Vinyl Toys.