Star Wars Zombies Take Over a Galaxy Far, Far Away

We know that many characters die in Star Wars movies, but that wouldn’t really stop them if they were zombies, right? Zombie Vader… now that is terrifying.

Jeff Hulligan thought Star Wars was too… let’s say, lively, and chose to portray some of the characters of the iconic franchise as hordes of undead characters, hungry for brains and flesh.

The author is no dummy, and he knew he had created something special, so he is selling these as 8.5? x 8.75? posters, signed by him. Head over to his Etsy shop, and grab one of these for $10 each or for $50 for the full set of six.

Via: Technabob

The Star Wars fun doesn’t have to end here. Check out Classic Games Remade With Star Wars Themes and Stormtroopers Are People, Too! Sassy Stormtrooper Fan Art.