Tearaway – New PS Vita Game From Media Molecule

You might as well “tear” up when you see Media Molecules’ recently announced, and delightfully charming, next IP.

My nickname for British game-maker Media Molecule is “The Cute Factory.” The reasoning is pretty self-evident, not only in their previous efforts, the adorable LittleBigPlanet, but also with today’s news out of Germany. At Sony’s Gamescom 2012 presser, Alex Evens, head of MM, introduced their newest gaming venture, Tearaway.

Yes! Not another version of LittleBigPlanet!

Oh. Yikes… Sorry MM, not that I don’t appreciate Sackboy & Company, but honestly I was a teensy bit worried that you were becoming a one trick pony of sorts. Thanks for shutting me up though with Tearaway, a puzzle-platformer coming for the PlayStation Vita that just like MM’s lineage is undeniably huggable.

It also most pleasingly takes advantage of the Vita’s arsenal of features: touch-screen, rear-touch, motion-sensors, you name it bros. Everything in Tearaway’s beautiful paper-fashioned world is a fun play-set for the player to interact with at each step of the game.

Plot wise, you play as Iota, a messenger of the paper dimension, whose envelope head has a special delivery – don’t worry, it isn’t spam – just for you, and only you. The only way you can read it though is by joining Iota on his journey by solving puzzles and taking down enemies that cross your path.

Super-duper stoked about this game and its debut trailer does nothing to diminish that. Take a look.

There’s no date listed anywhere for Tearaway – probably a 2013 title – but as you saw at the end of the trailer, the Vita game will have a companion papercraft feature that will allow you to print out creations, that poke-a-doted elk for example, from the game-world and print them out to display in the real one. Awesome!

Head over to Media Molecules’ Facebook page for the game to find further details on that, and don’t go too far as we on Walyou serve up some mean geeky news. I think you’ll enjoy learning about Tokyoflash’s new watch and a Doctor Who Tardis wedding ring fit for a time-traveler’s wife.