Urban Hotel is the Green Hotel of the Future

A concept hotel called the Urban Hotel is an environmentally friendly and futuristic hotel design for the future.

According to our source, the team who designed the concept want their Urban Hotel to be the most environmentally friendly living space around. Using ergonomic, space-saving design and advanced recyling systems they might be right on track.

The concept behind these hotels is to offer clean and friendly living space, designed primarily for short-term use for either students or travellers. Each room is its own bed and minor utilities and is fully equipped with power that comes from solar panels on the roof, as well as from an exercise bike that transforms kinetic energy into electricity.

What’s nice is that the bike can also detach from the exercise terminal and be used to explore the city or get to classes. Even better, if you get bored you can pedal away and donate a surplus of energy to help reduce the cost of renting your room.

Water is accumulated from rainwater and processed to be clean enough for human consumption and use in the washroom and shower.

Each unit consists of four rooms and a communal washroom at the end of the unit. Think hostel, but cleaner and more private. These untis would be great additions to parks and other green areas around any city, and even look like they might offer a decent solution to some of the over-crowding and over-population problems we’re starting to see things days in major urban centres.

Heck, even it would even be pretty neat if a university expanded it’s on-campus dorms with some of these units. I can say that I’d glady be a visitor in a city that offers some of these spaces for rent.

For other futuristic designs, check out the Toyota Fun-Vii Concept Car and the Tetra Shed: A Revolution in Cubicles.