Disturbing Thanksgiving Tradition – 12 Turkey Hat Disasters

Just like there are the horrific Christmas sweaters, Thanksgiving, besides the awful food and the fact that you have to spend an evening (or more) with your family, comes along with an even worse clothing item, a bit less popular than the sweaters – The Turkey Hat.

Here are some of the worst the web and humanity have to offer:

One that keeps you warm

One that keeps your face warm

One that makes you look like a viking

One that keeps you warm and makes you look Really stupid

Even babies aren’t safe

Kids aren’t immune to this fashion horror

Still, few are as embarrassing as this one

For some reason, this Michael Cera/Beck lookalike is proud

A pretty face doesn’t make it any better

It makes potential serial killers look goofy

Bad, but she knows it is

Terrible, and she doesn’t care

Some people actually think it’s great to get a turkey tattoo, which isn’t much better than the hat. Oh, and if you were wondering, Superheroes celebrate thanksgiving as well.