14 Best Emoji “Works of Art”

Emoji is the Japanese term for the ideograms or smileys used in Japanese electronic messages and webpages. And yes, people have found a way to be extremely good, creative and artistic at that as well.

How good? Well, no one is going to put this in the Louvre one day, although who knows what exhibition they’ll be holding there in 2150 about the history of mankind’s artistic ways, but if you know how to summarize a movie, TV show or a song using mostly the images your phone and computer offer you, this is probably the thing for you to excel in.

Finding Nemo

The Wire – Season 1

Les Miserables

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction

Call Me Maybe

Ridin’ Dirty

Get Low

N****s In Paris

The Lost Balloon


Don’t Mess With Texas

Arrested Development

Dancing Men

The Grapes of Wrath

Believe it or not, this is our first ever post about Emoji artists, so I’ll just refer you to my favorite digital art post: Star Wars Reinterpreted in Steampunk Art.

(Via: Summer Anne Burton)