8-Bit Christmas Stocking From ThinkGeek

String one of these seasonal beauties over any fireplace and celebrate Christmas in fine geeky style.

Attention Ladies and Gents, it’s now one of my favorite times of the year, the Holidays. Right there along with the first day of spring, the Forth of July, and the aforementioned Halloween. I’m fully aware that even though Wal-Mart or Target laid out their Christmas spreads a second after October 31st long ago, for me, the true season starts now.

The Holidays are a magical time. Most people seem to be friendlier (well, everyone who isn’t online), Christmas lights strung across trees soften the somberness of quicker nights, and all the flippin’ delicious food. I bet a lot of us will be hitting the gym more aggressively or buying bigger pants by the start of January. Oh, yeah.

Perhaps Jolly St. Nick will gift us all a 3-months gym subscription if we manage to hang one of these geeky decorations near a roaring fire, an awesome 8-bit Christmas stocking from ThinkGeek made to brighten any gamer’s holiday with it’s seasonal motif and adorning retro gaming controller on top.

The stocking measures at 14 inches tall, a pretty good height to stuff a wealth of goodies. Hopefully nothing like lame oranges like some people tend to do. Not that I’ve nothing wrong with oranges – Vitamin C is boss, ya’ll – but come on, you can do better than that Scrooge-y McScrooger-ten.

We here at Walyou sure don’t cheap out on the content, that’s for sure. Read up and be merry by getting to know exploring robots doing jobs too dangerous for humans and an odd piece of scrap metal art that’s also a comfy hammock.