Angry Birds Movie Not Coming to a Theater Near You

Rooster Teeth is best known for their shorts with console and PC games, so when they debuted a trailer for Angry Birds last weekend, the viral smart phone (and now PC) game, many of us addicted to the stupidly addicting slingshot time-waster got excited.

The trailer shows off what appears to be a real live action film titled “Angry Birds”, directed by Michael Bay, and you can find it on Rooster Teeth’s Shorts YouTube page. Okay, Rooster lied. Bay really didn’t direct the trailer, and no, this won’t go beyond the hilarious two-minute trailer, but it’s certainly worth the view and a Tweet.

Here’s the synopsis. We’d call it a spoiler, but then again, it’s just a “trailer”. With two world ornithologists dead and devilish pigs hiding out in their bunkers, the U.S. military  is left with no choice but to intervene in the bird/bore conflict in this film. Staring Marshall Rimmer, John Erler, Gus Sorola, and others, the Rooster Teeth team has recreated everyone’s favorite battle for bird-dom on screen, and it’s no joke.

“Don’t every call it just a sling shot” is just one tasty bit of dialogue. Check it out for yourself:

With 2.3 million hits in little over four days, Rooster Teeth has done what it’s always good at, making theater out of video games.

For more fun Angry Birds stuff, check out the Angry Birds Game and Zombified Angry Birds.

Via: Rooster Teeth