Awesome AT-AT Made Out Of Leftover Diaper Boxes

Here’s an idea: instead of recycling  those leftover diaper boxes, you can just make your own AT-AT out of them!!! OMG! Kelly Mcquinlan, you are one geeky mom! I’ve seen my share of AT-AT creations but I think that this one tops them all!

I have spotted this awesome DIY creation on OffBeatMama and felt obligated to share this incredible piece with you. To create this cool Diaper Box AT-AT, Kelly used two boxes for the body first, one full one for the middle, and then a split box for the outer bits.

A third box was used to create the legs and the main support for the creation.  To see the full instruction0s and create your own rendition of it, go to OffBeatMama‘s website.

Who knew that boxes of diapers can be so much fun? For more AT-AT awesome articles check out The Incredible At-At Computer Case ModCAT-AT: The AT-AT Cat HouseAT-AT Bunk BedAt-At Truck! Vroom! and Pwn Noob Drinkers with This AT-AT Liquor Cabinet.