Plush AT-AT Brings a Softer Side of Star Wars

The AT-AT in the Star Wars series might not seem like the obvious choice for a cute and cuddly doll, but somehow it has managed to entered the realm of teddybears with this AT-AT plushie.

This new plushie designed by Katipeck takes only the very basic attributes of the AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) and reduces it down to something that is still recognizable yet oddly cute at the same time. The little Xs make it appear as though the legs are removable, though more than likely it’s for movie accuracy as the actual AT-ATs in the movies have screws that attach the legs to the main body.

The doll is handmade and one-of-a-kind, so it won’t be on shelves any time soon and, unfortunately, there are no patterns online for the plushie. For those that want to try their hand at the doll, it might be great to take the basic design of this doll and add some more detail. While it is recognizable, the addition of the guns, cockpit and some more line detail on the body and legs would make this great for kids and adults alike, especially for those who grew up with this iconic film. As is, this doll still would bring a smile to anyone on the receiving end of this gift exchange.

Overall, the idea is great, unfortunately the attention to detail is lacking. Since this was a personal design, it’s hard to really critique it as it isn’t for public consumption so it could suit the needs of the designer just fine. For those that are a bit more ambitious with their needlework though, this base is a great start and while there may not be patterns for this particular plush AT-AT online, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little digging for something similar.

If you like this, you might also like the plush tauntaun, plush R2 D2 and Yoda and plush Boba Fett.

Via: Craziest Gadget