Segway i2 Ferrari Limited Edition

Every time I see the Segway Scooter in a presentation, TV, or in real life, I immediately get a child-like smile across my face…these are simply great.

I previously tried riding one, and I loved it. It was easy to maneuver, great usability, and simply fun. The one thing I wasn’t all excited about is the conservative color of gray it has. It seems too dull and monotone to be on a cool two-wheeled electronic product. That is not the case anymore.

What can be cooler then a Segway Scooter that is branded by the one and only Ferrari? The Segway is now available in Ferrari Red.

It is hot red and branded with the famous Cavallino Rampante badge to make it a true Ferrari product. It even has a high price tag of approximately $12,000 (€ 7.083,33).

Since it is a Ferrari Segway, one would expect it to also be faster then the PTi2 model, but unfortunately this is the downfall. The looks are different, the price is different, but the speed is just the same.

For more information, you can check out the Ferrari Store.

Via: Sybarites