Golf Club Driver Computer Mouse

How would you bring together avid golf players and gaming accessories together? Well, just go ahead and get the Golf Club Shaped Mouse and flaunt it till you drop. This would certainly make a good gift for people who are totally into golf and don’t play much of video games. In fact, this mouse could be the beginning of a tryst with video games, though the two seem to be quite at the opposite ends of the poles.

However, the Golf-Club Shaped Mouse supports only the PS2 and does not even have the optical USB function or the laser functions. This can be quite dampening if you are only looking for functionality and technical specifications. Nevertheless, for those that take their golf seriously, this could be a great souvenir or even an inexpensive gift for someone who likes the placid game. The mouse costs just $19.95.

We have featured other golf related articles and products before which may interest you. You could try the cool Laser Golf Putter which seems to bring in some cool technology in this rather slow and laidback game. You could also try the Segway Scooter Golf Cart to add some action and fun at the golf course.

Via: ForeverGeek