Father’s Day, Hamburger Dress, Hellboy Xbox Mod and More [Walyou Roundup]

This weekly Walyou Roundup includes a collection of 27 Father’s Day Gift Ideas of Cool Gadgets, a beautiful Hamburger Dress, an amazing Hellboy Xbox 360 Mod, Underwear Purses, a Tetris Hat, Twitter follow badge and much more great stuff.

If you have some tips for Walyou for the roundup or a regular featured post, please do not hesitate and send ideas over to contact@walyou.com.

Have a great Weekend and a Happy Father’s Day!

Cool Walyou Posts:

1. Father’s Day Gift Ideas

2. Hamburger Dress

3. Hellboy Xbox 360 Mod

4. Tetris Hat

5. Underwear Purses

6. How To Create a Twitter Follow Button

Cool Posts from around the Web:

1. Top 15 Father’s Day Gifts You Have to Hide from Mom

2. Out of This World Star Trek Cakes

3. The Best Christopher Walken Impressions on YouTube

4. 56 Star Tattoos instead of 3 Asked

5. Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails Waves Bye to Social Networking

6. Fallen Princesses

7. Custom NES Controller Pendant

8. Riders On The Storm: Norman Ollestad’s Escape From Tragedy

9. The Hangover Baby T-Shirts

10. 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2010

11. Reebok Vector O Bat