Pimpendo is the PIMP Nintendo Mod for Gangsta Guys

If you thought there was something too Gangsta about your decor and that using an old Nintendo is just not your style, you must get hold of this PIMPendo which has been pimped to the limits. In fact, it goes to such an extent that a drag queen from Acapulco or a hoe from Tijuana would shy away with all its pimpable glory. This Nintendo which has been pimped with zebra skin finish will make you look so cool that there would be no dearth of chavs finding you cool and awesome.

In fact when you invite geekish chavs home, you would be well appreciated for your taste in modding and pimping gaming consoles. PIMPendo comes with red LED lights which make the innards of the console glow in a wicked manner. There are loads of gems to bring the gangsta effect and the peacock feather and purple frill would make you look pretty exotic. I have a feeling people would get too distracted with the PIMPendo to be able to play any game straight.

PIMPendo is being pimped in the old fashioned way (bidding, for the uninitiated) for $50 and if you want to purchase it directly, it would cost you $150. I would say, you must go ahead and grab this Nintendo which would make you look less like you are from the eighties and more like you are from a Gangsta-infested alley. You could also look at this kickass Lego NES which is also being touted as the world’s smallest. A Nintendo was also recently pimped to look like a Toaster.

Via: Unplggd