Microscope with Video Display

The days of peering into microscope will be over soon, for here is a microscope which uses LCD display to view objects that are put under the Microscope lens as the Video Screen Microscope uses a built in camera to capture images of the object and displays it on LCD screen.

This microscope would indeed be useful in schools and colleges and even for researchers. Not only everyone can view magnified objects collectively, the camera also records the images which can be printed and used. This is indeed an extremely interesting innovation. The only hitch is the objects have to be illuminated but manufacturers have taken care of that too. There is LED light at top and bottom so objects can be illuminated either ways.

It would be fun to watch those protozoan’s flagella, plant tissues, designs on antique coins etc on the LCD screen. No need to wait for your turn to peer into the microscope. One can watch it on screen without straining eyes or struggling with focusing and all. School biology classes will be more geeky and trendy.

This microscope comes for $299 which includes five slides and carrying case. otherwise, you may also try to build a USB Microscope.