Transform Into Bumblebee Using This Transformers Head Gear

Transformers brand can’t have had enough of its movie merchandise to woo its fans, right? I guess this is the reason that they have come up with yet another product to stock the homes of hardcore Transformer fans. The Bumblebee Voice Mixing Head Gear not only allows it’s wearer to get the cool looks of the Autobot’s stealthy spy but also to speak in Bumblebee’s voice.

This highly detailed head piece of Bumblebee is an added effort to get people to go and catch the new Transformers movie (Transformers: Revenge of the fallen). This cool voice helmet will amaze you as you speak into the microphone but hear Bumblebee’s exact voice mimicking your phrases. Complete with protective eye gear – like the one Bumblebee has on when he is in action – this one piece of movie merchandise will set you back by about $49.99; which I think is quite justified considering the details of the product, it’s functions and yes, the brand name. So, grab one of those head pieces and “transform” into the heroic Autobot, ready to save the human race from the evil Decepticons.

Other Transformers attire that you would like to lay your hands upon will include Transformer cufflinks and the Transformers shoes. If you are in a playful mood, then you gotta opt for the Transformer Jenga game.