Safe and Secure Mint Seal for Those Who still Need to ‘Seal’ the Deal!

Traditional seal had almost got erased from consciousness until this trendy Secure Mint Seal from Mintpass gave a subtle reminder that good old seal still exists in few nations (see the for detailed note on seals) and may get a better digitized makeover or could become extinct totally.

The phrase ‘seal the deal’  is in vogue even today and every day millions of contracts and deals are ‘sealed’ or legalized  but the good old seal which used to be made of wood, ivory etc  has been long replaced by e-certification or notary stamps and signatures in most of the countries.  It seems in the countries like Japan, Korea and Taiwan where traditional seal are still in vogue and mandatory there is a problem of counterfeit seals.

There are two designs of Mint Seal – one design improvises the traditional seal and other is the evolved digitized version.  The improved design of Mint Seal ensures seal stays secure, safe because it has a combination dial lock to lock/unlock and seal comes out like a lipstick only when the combination code is correct.

There is also a digitized version of Mint Seal with flash memory and finger print identification opens the USB lock to read the contents. This design may be useful during the transition phase when Korean government changes the policy on seals. Korea is one of the last countries where the traditional seal still is used extensively but after five years seals will not exist. But who knows seals may get another lease of life and may make a huge comeback all over the world (even without legal value) in a different form like the Promise Keepers Seal, for these seals have existed ever since birth of human civilization.

For other cool Mint designs, check out the PetCare Robot or the Death Doll.

Via: Mintpass