Lego Steve Jobs Cube Dude

I bet Steve Jobs, co-founder and currently serving as the chief executive officer of the famous Apple, hardly needs any sort of introduction and as seen in MacLane‘s profile over at Flickr, this Cubedude is a Lego model of Steve Jobs.

Though it’s just a lego model, you would still immediately recognize it for it comprises of Steve’s minute details which makes the lego model so familiar. Like the original one, this virtual Steve wears glasses and has greyish beard while he’s wearing a black T-shirt with dark blue trousers and grey snickers; Steve as expected, is with an iPod over here and it’s creator has also taken care of the little barren land over his forehead. Both the Steves definitely rock, so make it yours and let this Steve guide you in front of your very own Apple Macintosh.

You can even accompany your Steve Jobs with Lego Alice and Mad Hatter or let them play football on the Lego Star Wars Foosball Table or check out the cool Steve Jobs Pin Art.