Want to Work From home? Get ‘Sidetracked’ at Your Place

In the race of most beneficial outcomes of various projects with minute technical aspects, students of Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design created a brain-racking project sidetrack. Totally geeky, if you don’t want to face constant jabbering of your boss, but want to create a workstation right at your residence, I guess this project will definitely add professionalism to your work right at home.

This amazing project demonstrates the tracing pattern on a table as you continue to work from your home itself, encouraging mental stimulation to home-workers, and I guess that’s all we want to ask for. Students Jennifer Kay, Jacek Barcikowski and Martina Pagura, the brains behind this masterpiece sidetrack, feature a tetrahedron-shaped presence sensor that transmits the reports and records of all the activities to that piece of furniture.

So you want to learn how this project functions at home? Well, the Sidetrack, as the name suggests, “track” your every movement while you work from home, even while you move from place to place. Using motors just from an old printer and a turntable, then sensors attached create the mechanism of the table to spin according to your movements that are recorded by the marker pens.

Sounds totally nerdy? But this is an amazing concept for all the people who can’t manage time working outside home. So you want to check out some other interaction projects, scan through the Comet Phone Booth or the ±pole for Visual Explorations.

For more information, check out the complete CIID project page.