Revolver case for iPhone gives some solid proud moments to its users

You think Apple rules the world after it was valued more than the Microsoft (big ailing daddy of them all!) in the latest assessment of market capitalization of the companies operating in the big bad technology world. And you are proud of your iPhone so much that you feel and treat it as a source of power, freedom, style, ruthlessness and god only knows what, then we got something would surely admire and behold.

When such a crazy fan of iPhone you are, you may feel like an almighty when you get to use the iPhone Revolver Case which makes a straight impression that the iPhone has been bolted into an actual revolver. Kudos to Juniortan at thingverse who unplugged his creative mind to develop a product which may become of symbol of weirdness among the die hard fans of iPhone.

The revolver case is actually a 3d printout of a revolver, thus giving it real life looks and sense of danger. Your iPhone slips neatly into the case in such a way that it seems ready to shoot and merely holding the case will make one proud of the style statement it creates.

Just think of the moment when you bring out the your revolver case tucked in the back of your pants as the phone rings up. It’s a sight to behold how people react with some gazing you like you were a infamous local gangsta and others trying a 911 call to report a terrorist activity. We hope you do not get into any such trouble but you do get your share of lively moment of holding the most creative case for iPhone I have seen thus far.

Would not it be better if somebody adds more functionality into this case like assigning to the trigger, all the functions of the center button of the iPhone. What about picking or ending  the call by pulling the trigger while making a firing sound simultaneously for that matter. Surely you have other ideas popping up hard in your mind, lets hear them all in comments.

Surely you wanna check other cool iPhone cases like putting iPhone into a pint of Beer, a cute shark iPhone case or a creative iPhone stand.

Thingiverse Via adafruit