Rock Paper Scissors Glove for the Single Players

For who knows how long men of all ages have resolved their differences through the age old game of rock, paper, scissors. Now finally with the arrival of the rock, paper, sccissors glove, an automated rock paper scissors opponent, there’s a way to train your rock paper scissors skills before the moment of truth arrives and important matters like who will get the front seat needs to be decided.

Ever so often a gadget comes along that just blows the lid on everything we know about a subject close to our heart. The rock, paper, scissors glove is one such gadget. Never again will you find yourself out gunned when the last beer is up for grabs. Finally with the rock paper scissors glove you’ll be getting all the practice you need whenever you want without the need for a human opponent. I for one look forward to the day I can whip my glove out during the long waits for, the ironically named, fast food or my next plane trip. As with all the best gadgets, the rock, paper, scissors glove is all upside, with the added benefit of it being a great addition to your wardrobe coming in black with circuit board and LED trim that works with anything in your wardrobe, depending on how 80’s your wardrobe is.

The rock, paper, scissors glove uses adaptive algorithms which make it more likely to beat you the longer you challenge it’s grip on the title of rock, paper, scissors champion. Apparently the glove has beaten it’s creator 71 times losing 62 times in best of 5 matches. Not bad at all, I mean sure it’s not quite a glove shaped skynet but it’s a start I suppose. The glove is made by Grathio labs who have detailed instructions for you to make your own rock paper scissors glove on their site, if you know your way around circuit boards, flex sensors and stretch conductive fabric.

The glove has a small display that shows what the glove has picked and keeps track of the score via a strip of LED lights on it’s side. An accelorometer keeps track of when you shake your hand then the microcontrollers do their magic figuring out what your next choice may be. See the video demo to see the rock paper scissors glove put through it’s paces.

While not quite on par with the Beat on the Block music gloves or  the Freddy Krueger glove on the coolness scale the, rock paper, scissors glove certainly doesn’t suck. Finally, none of us have a reason to wimp out when a large decision needs to be made. The rock paper scissors glove is the perfect training tool to ensure you’re able to avoid predictability in your rock paper scissors playing. Who knows, perhaps, finally that last beer could be yours.

Via: Inventorspot