12 Candies You Probably Never Knew Existed

Before the Mars Bars and Kit Kats of the world, there were plenty of pretty awesome kinds of candy ruining the dental hygiene of kids around the world, often with very weird and unsuitable names.

3 Pigs


Three different flavors that were quite popular in the 1930’s.

Chicken Dinner Candy Bar


A nut roll covered in chocolate. The name was a reference to Hoover’s presidential campaign slogan, “A chicken in every pot.”

Cold Turkey Candy Bar


A great combination of of maple and walnuts from the 1930’s.

Klein’s Lunch Bar


Lots of milk, smooth as silk, eat one every day.

Milk Shake Candy Bar


Very similar to Milky Way.

Nickel Naks


Each box had a different flavor –  lemon drops, jelly beans, candy corn, or candy cherries. Also quite popular in the 40’s.

Old Nick


A roll of fudge and nuts covered in milk chocolate.

Pecan Pete


Clusters of pecans stuffed in with nougat and covered in bittersweet dark chocolate, popular in the 1940’s.



A 30’s candy, these featured connected bits with different flavors. 7-Up, the soft drink, bought the candy bar so they could have rights to the name.


Caramel and nougat swirl chews that were introduces in the 1920’s.

Stark Candy Wafers



A mix of peanuts, marshmallow, and fudge covered in milk chocolate from the 1930’s.


For a look on how candy and Gaming combine quite well, check out Gaming Peripherals Candy Boxes