Comic Book Superheroes and Villains Kokeshi Dolls Designs

Comic Book fans will surely love this collection of Kokeshi dolls that brings some of the coolest Superheroes and Villains to life, but in the cutest form possible.

Similar to the Kokeshi dolls of famous Star Wars characters, this collection by FatCat makes the meanest and coolest comic heroes simply adorable. The Hulk may try to look angry when screaming but is just a tiny doll that can fit in your hand. Another example shows the Thing from the Fantastic Four with his familiar frown on, but he doesn’t fool anyone as a Kokeshi doll. The rest of the heroes include Iron Man, Spiderman, Superman and the villain Doctor Octopus thats still have his robotic arms.

These amazing dolls run for $10-12 each, depending on the hero (or villain) and could really make a great gift for children and adult geeks…kind of similar to the Lego Superheroes collection.