7 Creepiest Vintage Halloween Ads

There’s an obvious appeal to the scary, slightly creepy side of Halloween, but there is a point when advertisers, especially in the 1950’s and 60’s, took the whole creepy Pumpkin and faces thing a bit too far.

Creepy Pumpkin For Lucky Strike

I’m pretty sure Donald Draper didn’t think of this one, even though he used to do campaigns for Lucky Strike.

Old Gold & Sad Pumpkin

When it was OK to say cigarettes are bad for you and actually use that as a tag line.

Coke Isn’t What’s Troubling Here

Even though we should be focusing on the uplifting Coca Cola message here, the way the couple in the ad look suggests something “dirty” is going on while shooting this one.

Bad Morning Breath Innuendo

Who uses the term morning mouth?

Pumpkins & Politics

Just makes the guy you’re voting for look kinda creepy and evil.

Creepy Halloween Family

Something about this whole scene makes me think of Tim Burton’s ‘Batman’ and the scene when the Joker finds out what the chemical plant accident turned him into.

Ted Nugent is Scarier Than Everything

Not everything vintage has to be scary. If you don’t believe us, check out these creative, vinatge-style pokemon ads.
