8 Artworks of Darth Vader at his Cutest

Darth Vader isn’t supposed to be cute. Even when we first meet Anakin in ‘The Phantom Menace’ he’s kind of annoying. But in the real world, our world, people can make him look quite adorable.

Darth Vader – Parental Advisor

Art by Elise Marie Syvertsen, who apparently thinks Anakin would make a decent life-coach for frustrated parents.

Darth Vader & the Kitten Training

Art by Skottie Young, who seems to think that Anakin used to practice on overweight cats as a kid.

Darth Vader and the LEGO

Art by Marco D’Alfonso, who likes the idea of Star Wars merchandise inside the Star Wars universe.

Darth Vader & the Unicorn

Kids love unicorns, and Darth Vader is no different. Art by Nafisah Tung.

Darth Vader Loves Someone

Unfortunately, that someone is dead. Art by Julia Kelyukh.

Darth Vader in Nerdy Form

Maybe it’s his small size in the artwork, maybe it’s something else. Vader should look menacing… this one looks like a kid who gets beat up in school. Art by Aldo Dark.

Darth Vader Playing Bagpipes

It turns out Skywalker is a Scottish name. Art by Ann.

Darth Vader Having a Bad Day

Darth Vader isn’t happy with what he finds. Art by Johnny Townsend.

For more alternative looks on Darth Vader, check out his Father of the Year edition.