Digital Football Fan Display, Score One for Geekdom

This Foam Football Fan Display will allow fan geeks and non-geeks alike the chance to make themselves heard. For too long, the sports field has been the sole domain of the jock, athlete, and all-round non-geek. Finally, the Geek empire is striking back, with these awesome foam displays which will have you spelling iFootball in no time.

We’ve all seen organized displays of sporting affection. Rows of folks so drunk and so committed to their teams that they need to yell it out to the world. For the uber geek amongst you, I’m talking about those lovely sports watching folks who cart handmade boards with letters that spell some meaningful and inspiring message for their supported team. So enter the Digital Football fan display, environmentally friendly, and much easier on the eye than some drunken penmanship I’ve seen before. Don’t be surprised when you see a row of pale and pasty folks sitting in front at the cinema during the next Harry Potter movie pull a few of these out to encourage Gryffindor at quidditch.

Personally, I think some innovation in the field of sports cheering is long overdue. For far too long, the sport of supporting sport has been treading water. There is a true need for a geek-fueled overhaul of sport, and the art of watching it. I want to start seeing podcasts broadcast from the court side. Synchronized ringtone ringing when there’s a bad call from the ref.

The folks at Yanko Design seem to get what I mean. They’ve designed these Foam Football Fan Displays. The display unit is made of hard-wearing Zotefoam. Ross Hubbard designed these units to be rented prior to the game, and then to be returned after the game. The period in between… well, that’s fun time. You and your friends can go spelling out your passion wildly. Or even spelling passion if you choose so.

The Zotefoam exterior is made using a CNC milling machine; character display graphic is a screenprint applied to the back; plastic parts vacuum formed; front side sandblast finished; and back side laser cut to produce a more accurate finish.

So next time you watch a football game, or perhaps a game of quidditch, keep a keen eye on the crowd for these beauties.

Via: YankoDesign